Another word for spy is "Peeping Tom". For the last few years there has been this proliferation of "spy stores," which specialize in selling high tech peeping tom equipment so that you, you lucky dog, can become a high grade Peeping Tom. Also, the more of these stores there are, the more the irresponsible part of the government can say "It isn't just us - everyone's doing it!"
By the way, in England at the moment they're busy shoveling their right to privacy into the ocean. Over there the private citizen, regardless of whether he's ever done anything suspicious or not, HAS to shell out 1,000 pounds for a box which enables the government to spy on what ever comes into or goes out of his home computer. And of course, throughout the Western Hemisphere cameras continue to proliferate on city streets. I mean it's like overnight they're all over the damn place, turning what had been public space into either privately owned or state owned space.
These days in New York it's like the new, improved Super Hollywood of the Future. You can be a movie star - guaranteed! Just walk down the street! I just hope you like crime movies 'cos in these flicks you get to play the role of a wanted criminal who's under constant surveillance by the FBI. Here's the ad copy: "The Unknown Citizen! Wanted for a crime he may or may not have committed, he was watched everywhere he went!" And if you want to star in an epic that's gonna be shown immediately - in a multiplex - then just hit the subway: Behind one way mirrors shaped like astronaut helmets they have placed hidden cameras which in some cases broadcast what they record simultaneously on TV monitors just above the turnstiles. The screens aren't that big but hey - it's free! And check this out: in the Chambers Street subway station in downtown Manhattan on the A train line, every ten feet or so there's a painted tile or mosaic (not a gorgeous one either) of a big, staring eyeball. Talk about adding insult to injury. In other words, in the absence of real spy cameras we get a nice reminder that, you know, "we are not alone." But I like to be alone!
On the other hand, I kinda dig the whole state-funded, New Wave, Cinema Verite scene and so will you - if you've ever thought that no one loves you, no one cares about you, think again. If love means that somebody knows where you are and what you're doing every single moment of the goddamn day and all through the night, then brother, LOVE IS IN THE AIR. Someone (the State) really cares.